Best Practices Handbooks
This output will result in two Handbook focused on the best practices achieved throughout the implementation of the training sessions (the LTT in Portugal that will occur in September 2020 and that will serve as material for this output) as well as the previous outputs already developed. These Handbooks will be created after the assessment of the LTT, using the obtained results, the inputs of the participants, and also related studies/practices being done beyond the project that are considered best practices in the area.
The handbooks will be composed by pedagogical, methodological, social and technological guidelines showcasing which were the best outcomes on either the training experiences with educators and the hands on experiences with the special needs students.
In terms of impact we hope to increase the awareness and the knowledge on this problematic, and also the competences of people working with IDDs students, not only mentors and educators but other facilitators and families as well. These handbooks will also provide evidences and information to influence policy makers regarding this important problematic. Like every other intelectual output of the project we will have deliverables that can be used by the target group and stakeholders therefore increasing the transferability potential.